my first project that ever involved API exploiting / spamming. pwnNGL is a python automation script, that sends thousands of requests per minute aimed at a specific user on the popular anonymous messaging app NGL. Initially, i thought this program was fit to be open-sourced, but the more the project expanded, the more potential i saw in it. I will put pwnNGL on a cheap ecommerce site soon enough, until then, this project is unavailable :(
my most advanced project to-date, 7-gen, exploits guilded's old Log-in system with the use of a python automation to generate accounts and send messages with them in a specific channel. This was since patched by the developers @ guilded by introducing the fully roblox-based login system they use as of now. This project is fully open sourced, although disfunctional at the moment.
a selenium script collection made to automate various mechanical tasks in the odoo interface. This has proven to be very useful, as it automates pretty repetitive processes. It is currently in version 1.0.0, and is not forseeing any updates (up until the next major odoo update)
the very first cpp project i've ever uploaded on my github. it's a purposefully simple program that is made to be cracked, this was originally the reason i got into reverse-engineering on the side and got interested in the cracking process for more advanced programs, such as encrypted ones. This was originally immagined as a temporary replacement to the website, by being fully open sourced and accessible.